
‘Golden Bachelorette’ Joan grows closer to her ‘Mansion Men,’ Pascal’s sensitive side revealed

القاهرة: «دريم نيوز»


NEW YORK (WABC) — This week, “The Golden Bachelorette” began with a quiet Bachelor Mansion as the men coped with their lack of sleep. There’s too much snoring, people having to go the bathroom, and tossing and turning. The men are napping all over the house. Pascal doesn’t like to cook, clean, or do laundry and Mark made him avocado toast with eggs, while Gregg did his laundry. Dude is high-maintenance. The guys kept it light as they joked around about how Pascal literally wouldn’t do anything for himself.

Gina: I love that Pascal thought the mansion had a cook and a housekeeper! Bro, it’s not that kinda mansion. Also, Jonathan saying there are gazers and there are grazers in the house made me laugh.

Jesse announced that there would be two one-on-one dates and one very competitive group date. The first date card read, “Pascal, Let’s see if we are lucky in love!” Pascal said he was touched that Joan picked him to spend the day with her. “I’m honored, I’m flattered!”

Pascal’s One-on-One Date

Joan picked Pascal up in a hot red convertible, and he was impressed. Pascal wanted to drive, but Joan insisted on being behind the wheel. “I don’t want to hear anything about my driving!” Joan warned. Pascal seemed just thrilled to be out of the house and in the world for the day. They arrived at a private jet and Pascal was floored. He opened the door for Joan, and she revealed that they were flying to Las Vegas. “Thank you, Joan! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you very much!” he gushed.

Gina: His reaction was so cute! Also, Joan did a better job of driving to a date than Gerry did on his season. Just sayin’.

Once they landed, they got into a car with champagne in the backseat and they visited the Paris hotel! “Pascal could be right at home,” Joan said. They walked around together and checked out a suite where there were gowns and tuxes waiting for them to try on. A piano player performed as they tried on the outfits. It was really funny! They had some silly ones, and looked adorable as Sonny and Cher. Eventually, they settled on a silver gown and a navy blue tux. They looked so elegant. “A lot of handholding and secret kisses,” Joan said. She loved how he made her feel.

Gina: Joan said he made her feel beautiful, sexy and super visible, which was so sweet. Her whole reason for being part of this process was because she didn’t want to feel invisible in life anymore and she’s getting that. Gotta love it.

Fixing the Sleeping Problem

Gina: Charles says “we need to sleep well with sweet dreams, for Joan!” 10/10, no notes.

Wayne Newton

Wayne Newton knocked on the door and offered to perform for Joan and Pascal! It was incredible! He sang his famous song Danke Schoën. Mr. Vegas! What a date this is! In case you are wondering, Wayne Newton is 82.

Gina: Would it be a trip to Vegas without Wayne Newton? I’m thinking perhaps not.

Charles L. Deals with His Loss

Gina: Aaannd, we’re in tears in my office. Needing answers you think you’ll never get is so relatable. It’s something my dad and I went through when my mom passed away, and I had a lot when my dad passed away. That closure means so much and I’m glad Charles L. got it.

Pascal and Joan’s Evening

Joan hoped to learn more about Pascal’s life at dinner. “Here’s to the first of many crazy dates,” Joan said. It seems like she’s all in on this guy! Joan was a coder before she had her children. Pascal said he grew up poor in Paris and he said that his parents were not warm people. They would just get them out of their cramped apartment to go play. He asked his dad if he should take a pair of shoes to America that had a hole. His dad put a piece of cardboard inside and said that it should hold until he can buy himself some new ones. He said that was the moment he knew he wanted to be successful. He didn’t know any English, but he managed to learn on his own. Joan really respects him and how he became who he is.

Gina: Hearing his story made us all see a different side of Pascal and I can see why Joan is attracted to him.

Date Card

A date card arrived at the mansion. It read, “Chock, Gil, Dan, Charles L., CK, Gregg, Gary, Guy, Kim, Jordan, Mark, Keith, Let’s play the field together.” That meant that Jonathan was getting the one-on-one date and he was nervous that Joan might not like him and Gregg said, “She’s going to see a wonderful guy.” Jonathan felt that he wasn’t ready for this date.

Gina: Cry #2? Dang, guys – way to be supportive kings!

Pascal Gets the Rose

Joan decided to give Pascal the date rose and he accepted. He said, “Oui, Oui!” They kissed, and Pascal said, “That’s a French Kiss!” “I know,” Joan said. Go, Joan!

Kickball Group Date

The group date guys headed to a football field where they learned that they weren’t going to be playing football, but rather kickball! As someone who plays in an adult league, it’s not easy! Andre Reed and Eric Dickerson revealed the switch and the guys thought it was really fun! The pros took them through some stretches. “Joan sees that I’m limber enough to get up and down off the ground,” Gregg bragged. Nice. Joan also played and she was great! Andre Reed revealed that the winners would get to go to an after-party with Joan, and the losers would head back to the mansion.

The kickball game was sponsored by Quaker Oats. Who doesn’t love oatmeal? Gina: We love a product placement moment!! It was red vs. blue and the competition was fierce. It was a three-inning game. They all tried SO hard! Mark got on base and had a lot of fun doing it. Joan loved seeing his fun side. The blue team had an incredible comeback in the second inning. Charles L. was nervous as he had never played before, but he got on base! A run went in, that was clutch! The third inning was very competitive and the red team had the bases loaded, but Dan got pegged out! So the blue team won! Keith, Kim, Gil, Charles L., Jordan, and Gary were among the winners.

Gina: See, you couldn’t do this game with the younger folks. The Golden guys are competitive but they don’t take it overboard. Also, “our brains think we’re 25 and our bodies are like no you’re not” is something I can relate to deeply!

There’s a rose on the table for those six men, so they hoped to make some headway during their conversations with Joan. Jordan and Joan talked about dating in their 60s and Joan gave Jordan a victory kiss. Kim and Joan talked about his shoulder injury. Charles L. told Joan that he had so much fun, but shared that he had a great time with the guys. He shared with Joan about how Guy explained more about his wife’s death and now he can stop blaming himself. They shared a hug and he said that Guy changed his life! Ok, I’m crying. I’m not sure he has a romantic connection with Joan, but I do think they are becoming best friends. Charles L. says that he feels a connection though, so we’ll see!

Gina: And, we’re crying again. Charles L, why are you doing this to me? Totally agree that they’ll be great friends.

Red Team Returns

Back at the mansion, Jonathan and Pascal were hanging out when the Red team returned in defeat. The guys were bummed that they missed out on time with Joan.

Joan’s Mom is Sick, She talks to the Men

Joan spoke to her mom on the phone. She suggested an inhaler and steroids for her respiratory illness so hopefully, she can get what she needs to feel better. Keith lamented to Joan that he misses his daughters, Joan agreed that she misses her family too. Gary asked Joan what was going on with her mom. He told her that he was putting her mom Mary in his prayers. Gary is so perceptive! What a great guy! He felt noticed by Joan and that felt great to him. Tears again! Gil told Joan that he just didn’t want to look like a fool out on the field, especially as an educator. He asked Joan about how she was raised. Joan said her father grew up in Holland and her mother grew up in an orphanage. She has a small family but said that she felt love. Gil has a 17-year-old adopted daughter and said that she’ll never meet her birth family either but having so much love is key. They seemed to connect.

Gina: Once again, we’re seeing more glimpses of their lives outside of the show. I spoke with Jesse Palmer, who said we’re going to see this more often. This time, it’s Joan worrying about her mom at home.

Massages for the Men

The guys were treated to massages! They all really, really needed them. There was a lot of groaning and moaning. Guy went commando. He’s very free with the body. “The gluteus is just another muscle,” he said.

Gina: Says the doctor! Ha ha. Also, I’m sure the kickball and those bunk beds are causing lots of aches and pains.

Jonathan’s One-on-One Date

Jonathan had a lot of nerves going into this date. He met Joan in an open field where they did the classic “Bachelor” horseback riding date. Jonathan joked that he couldn’t whisper sweet nothings in Joan’s ear because her horse just took off! They rode together and it was very sweet! Jonathan said that he was actually glad he wasn’t on the group date now because he was having a great time and getting to actually talk to Joan and get to know her.

Gina: That line about sweet nothings and Joan saying, “you’ll have to yell them” made me laugh. Jonathan’s nerves and his feelings about being totally exposed got me thinking. Have we ever seen someone not want to go on a date because they were worried about his fears holding them back? I can’t think of another time. Jen, check me on that.

The Mansion Men Song

Kim decided to write some more music for Joan and wanted to turn it into a group experience. The guys were like, ok, let’s try it. It was so cheesy. It was not great. Gary didn’t want to sing the song, and he tried to pass it back to him and say that it couldn’t be from him. Dan agreed. It seemed like they could get out of it. At least, I hoped they could. Bless Kim, his heart is in the right place, but some of the guys just felt too awkward with it.

Gina: “We are the mansion men, we’re here to win the heart of Joan!” Go ahead and try to get that song out of your head. I’ll wait here.

Jonathan and Joan Connect

After the horseback ride, Joan and Jonathan sat on a bench, drank some champagne, and got to know each other a bit better. He stole a kiss and then they took in the scenery. Jonathan talked about how he felt the need to protect his emotions. He’s been divorced for nine years and he told Joan about how his ex-wife said she wasn’t happy and wanted a divorce, basically out of the blue. He also told Joan how getting ready for his one-on-one date and having to prepare his suitcase for this date reminded him of not being enough in his marriage and packing his suitcase in that instance. “You’ve been one of the best really,” Joan said. “You are so much! You’ve had a couple of lousy things stick with you instead of all of the incredible things.” Joan said that she only gets so many one-on-one dates, so this proves that Jonathan is good enough! In fact, she offered him the date rose right then and there. He said, “Yes!” She wants to continue to learn more about him.

Gina: I think we all want to learn more about Jonathan! This was such an intriguing conversation. I’m glad he felt better about opening up and it’ll be interesting to see where it goes from here.

As she started to ride on the horses back with Jonathan, hawks started flying and Joan started to get emotional. She was trying to push everything down for the sake of the date. Jonathan asked her if she was ok, and she said yes, but clearly she wasn’t.

Gina: Man, that moment was a gut punch. I felt so bad for Joan because you know she wanted to be present on this date but when you see your sign, your mind will race.

Cocktail Party

Joan met up with the guys in the mansion and she told them about her internal struggles. She said that she’s trying to take care of them, but she’s not being truly vulnerable with them, and she’s going to start that. “I miss my family terribly, I miss my kids, and my mom is sick and she’s 92 so any little illness is a big thing,” Joan said. Then, she dropped the bomb that she might not be ready for love again or only 90% ready, not 100% because there’s always going to be a part of Joan in her heart. I’m crying for the third time if you’re keeping count. The men jumped in and said they understood. She hoped that men wouldn’t want to leave, but she thought they deserved to know what they were getting into with her. They all thanked her. Mark especially understood. “Denise always has a portion of my heart, it will always be hers,” Mark said. Chock said that he loved her vulnerability. “That was special back there,” he told Joan as he took her aside to talk. Chock wanted to make sure that she was still open to love, and Joan said she was. Chock kissed her and he reassured her that if she just needed to talk, even as a friend, he was there. “John was a fixer, and Chock is a fixer,” Joan noticed. The men actually felt that they had grown closer to her in that moment.

Gary decided to write a special prayer for Joan’s mother Mary. (4th time crying) It made Joan cry, and she was so thankful for his words and his special prayer for her mother. “My mom is better today,” Joan told Gary. He felt it was such a blessing to be there for her.

Charles L. showed Joan a photo of himself with his wife. He thanked Joan for everything she ever shared with him and he told Joan that he was ready to move on. “There’s no rush on your side,” he reassured her.

Gina: I have to stop counting how many times I’ve cried this episode. Her saying “Being strong is exhausting and I’m tired” just hit my heart. It’s absolutely relatable and this conversation is probably one of the most “real” I’ve seen on this reality series. The vulnerability, the honesty, the understanding…thank you, Joan and guys.

Gerry Arrives

Gerry stepped out of the limo. What?! What are you doing here Gerry?! Joan saw him and she clapped her hands. She cheered and ran up to him and gave him a huge hug. It was so fun as a viewer to see him again! She told Gerry that the men are amazing, open, and vulnerable and it’s been more emotional early on than she realized it would be. Gerry said that it’s hard because you remember all of the good times when you are having fun. “You don’t want them to think that you are looking for a replacement,” Joan said. Gerry told Joan that because John’s loss was more recent, he thinks that probably made this journey more difficult for her than it was for him. “Have you considered the possibility that your guy is not here?” Gerry said. She said she thought that maybe early on, but now she is making some strong connections. Gerry thought that Joan was in a good place. He urged her to be completely vulnerable, don’t be perfect, be yourself. “I’m so rooting for her!” he said. Joan said that seeing him made her night and she really needed to see a friend. “He reminded me that I’m on the right path,” Joan said.

Gina: I have to say, I was nervous about what sort of energy Gerry was going to bring into this already emotional night. But I was pleasantly surprised. Joan told me that they are still close friends and you could see how happy she was to see him, pick his brain and really hear him out. The Mansion Men song in my head has been replaced by the theme to “The Golden Girls.” Thank you for being a friend to Joan, Gerry!


Kim and Guy decided to perform Kim’s song! It made Joan giggle and she loved it. Guy is really great! How awesome of him to help Kim out like that! I’m starting to really like him! The other guys cheered them on. “I don’t deserve them,” Joan said. “They’re way better than me.” What, Joan?! She was shocked that they were worried about her when they could have just been focused on themselves and the rose ceremony.

Gina: Annnd, the Mansion Men song is back in my brain. Also, I have to just say, Joan yes you do deserve them.

Rose Ceremony

1) Pascal (one-on-one date)
2) Gil (Group date rose)
3) Jonathan (one-on-one date)
4) Guy
5) Dan
6) Gary
7) Jordan
8) Chock
9) Charles L.
10) Keith
11) Mark

That meant Gregg, Kim, and CK were eliminated. It broke Joan’s heart to break their hearts. “They’re all good people, they deserve to be here.” It’s tough though, because in the end, there can only be one. Kim told Joan that he’d like to be her friend! It was sweet. He realizes that he’s closer to meeting the right person. Guy went out and gave Kim a hug and then they performed Mansion Men one more time!

Gina: I can absolutely get behind the men who are going home performing a song at the end of each episode. Production, if you’re listening…!

Kathy? Gregg is back out on the market! If you didn’t listen to our podcast with Kathy and Susan last week, please do! Kathy would love to meet Gregg!

Next Week

It’s time to strip! Kaitlyn Bristowe is there to help her judge the guys and she yells, “Sir!” Ha, it looks like it’s going to be fun. Joan gets some special time with Guy and it seems they start to fall for each other! Mark also grows closer to her! Meantime, Chock has doubts and then says that he needs to leave! What?! That’s awful! Joan starts to worry that she might leave the show alone.

Gina: OK, WHAT? Chock, you can’t go! And we have to wait a week to find out what happens? Oh, boy. I’m gonna need a moment.

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